This autumn, join the clan...
...whether you’re an ancestor or not.
Ever done a bit of digging to find where your ancestral roots lie? Then you may be lucky enough to find ancestral ties to Scotland. And what’s not to love? Rugged coastlines; beautiful beaches; ancient castles; clashing clans – Scotland takes great pride in its past. And, who knows, its past may even be part of you.
Stromness, Orkney
From distinctive cities to lush green countryside; distinctly Scottish events such as Edinburgh’s Fringe and the Highland Games; to quaint towns and tiny fishing villages – Scotland is wild, wonderful and a little bit different in every way.
A visit to Scotland could mean a visit to one of many historic battlefields across the country – each offering a unique glimpse into the past. Even in autumn – when the temperature’s a little cooler, and the days shorter – a visit to Scotland promises to be an awe-inspiring one, especially if staying at one of our stunning hotels across the country.
So, why not trace your family tree with some online genealogy research?
Of course, your roots needn’t be embedded here to make the most of a holiday that would have inspired your ancient ancestors. Whether you trace a full family history to Scotland, want to find out more, or simply feel a connection with this captivating country – we invite you to discover the spirit of Scotland, and the fascinating ancestral experiences it offers.